Interview: Olivia talks to MAJ’s Ann and Lyn Lowe after their Financial Freedom Day

Interview: Olivia talks to MAJ’s Ann and Lyn Lowe after their Financial Freedom Day

Olivia talks to Lyn and Ann – a couple who are both employed in the creative fields and who have not followed the traditional route to building a wealth portfolio. Lyn and Ann kindly shared how investing in Olivia and Simon’s Financial Freedom Day and learning one another’s ‘Money Type’, has deepened their relationship and opened up a new and exciting future of financial freedom. 

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Guest Posts

Messages from Money reflections: “How does your soul want to spend the weekend?”

Messages from Money reflections: “How does your soul want to spend the weekend?”

Today’s Message from Money – ‘How does your soul want to spend the weekend?’ – came on a Friday morning just before the weekend. A few of my friends and work colleagues had been asking, ‘what are you going to be doing at the weekend’ and the truth was I had nothing planned that could easily answer this question in a way that was digestible to others.

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