While testimonials should always be accredited, somehow, when it comes to people responding to the daily ‘Messages from Money’, it feels right to keep them anonymous… If a particular ‘Message from Money’ speaks to you, please do share by leaving a comment below…

I know we’ll all learn a lot from your experience too.


Olivia’s Message from Money arrived at the right time today! I’ve been thinking about letting one of my longest-standing clients go to free myself up for some more heartfelt work but worrying about losing the regular income and stability it brings.

The Message from Money was an invitation to grow, learn and develop, and to not be constrained by my comfort zone! How timely!

Money is actually inviting me to let go of money in order to grow… so I’ve decided to trust, and make that call later today to free myself for my next evolution!




  • Ann Lowe

    Ann is a freelance writer supporting people and businesses with engaging copy, content and PR. She has ghostwritten ten books for authors in the spirituality, food and wellbeing field.