While testimonials should always be accredited, somehow, when it comes to people responding to the daily ‘Messages from Money’, it feels right to keep them anonymous… If a particular ‘Message from Money’ speaks to you, please do share by leaving a comment below…

I know we’ll all learn a lot from your experience too. Here I wonder, what do you expect from money and what should money expect from you.

Big stuff!

Olivia x


Today’s Message from Money was a series of questions in three parts, and I can’t believe the thought journey I’ve been on since reading them!

The questions – posed by Money – are:

What do you expect from me?

And what would you like to expect from me?

And in return, what should I come to expect from you?

I’ve never thought about Money itself having expectations of me or the other way around, for that matter, but when I stopped to think I realised, I expect a LOT.

Delving deeper into my expectations also revealed some anger, which I wasn’t aware I was carrying. I realised that I expect Money to show up for me if I am doing what I perceive to be ‘good work’…

So far, so good; nothing too revealing or revolutionary there.

But then, when I thought about what I would like to expect from Money, I realised my well of anger. I would like to expect that Money shows up in abundance for others who are doing good work: so those who care for others, those who are doing good work to repair the damage done to our planet… the list could go on.

I felt anger at the fact that Money is showing up in abundance for the people who are doing harm.

So today, I’ve spent time in conversation with Money – and have affirmed that Money can expect me to keep showing up in my consultancy work for the creative people, the people who I believe are doing good work in supporting people and the planet and that I won’t wobble on this resolve, no matter what.

I feel like I’m demonstrating to Money that I’m prepared to put my ‘money where my mouth is’, using my anger for positive energy and drive, and inviting Money to show up in return. Let’s see what happens next! 


  • Ann Lowe

    Ann is a freelance writer supporting people and businesses with engaging copy, content and PR. She has ghostwritten ten books for authors in the spirituality, food and wellbeing field.