While testimonials should always be accredited, somehow, when it comes to people responding to the daily ‘Messages from Money’, it feels right to keep them anonymous… If a particular ‘Message from Money’ speaks to you, please do share by leaving a comment below…

I know we’ll all learn a lot from your experience too. I’m curious how you will create value for yourself and others in the days and weeks ahead.

Olivia x


Olivia’s Message from Money was just right for me this morning.

At the start of the week, I was looking ahead at a jam-packed diary and wondering how on earth I was going to get everything done.

And then Olivia’s message landed and invited me to consider how will I create value for myself and others in the weeks ahead. It stopped me in my tracks, and I took a bit of time to think about what value means to me right now and what it might mean to my clients. I realised that what I truly value is being listened to.

When I have space to share what’s in my head and heart – without interruption – I can begin to problem-solve and think big.

So my commitment over the coming days is to slow down enough to listen to myself first of all (I’ve blocked out some gaps in my diary between client calls and written work) and then to bring this quality of attention and deep listening to my clients. It feels like a win-win. 


  • Ann Lowe

    Ann is a freelance writer supporting people and businesses with engaging copy, content and PR. She has ghostwritten ten books for authors in the spirituality, food and wellbeing field.