VIP GROUP MENTORING PROGRAMME – £75 monthly membership



Created specifically for people who want to re-write their Money Stories, grow their businesses and use the wisdom of: The ‘Money Types’; the PRAISE system and my Be Your Own Guru leadership programme to take them to new levels of success in an exciting and fun way. As well as a monthly group ZOOM catch up with me on a specific topic, members will also get to submit their individual questions which I’ll answer in my private VIP Vault Lounge Facebook group. There’ll be lots more too, including challenges, prizes and exciting offers :-)!
Register your interest now – don’t worry, it won’t commit you to anything long term – and if you do choose to join this VIP group, I’ll gift you a FREE 30 minute intensive coaching session in which we’ll focus on whatever you choose! You’ve nothing to lose by registering now…and everything to gain! (Simply leave me your email address below – and when the group launches in June, I’ll be in touch with you personally…)

Register Your Interest Here:


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